

What's a Style?

A Style refers to the appearance and behaviour of a widget.

Examples include ButtonStyle, CardStyle, and TextFieldStyle.

Every widget in Jolt has its own Style class, except for JoltApp.

Setting Styles

Styles can be applied in three ways:

  • Globally, by setting the styles of JoltApp.
  • For descendants, by using a DefaultStyle widget all children will inherit the Style set.
  • For one instance of the widget, by passing directly.

Merging Styles

When a widget determines it's final style, it merges the available styles in the following order (higher number, higher priority):

  1. The style set by the widget itself (ie default).
  2. The global style set in JoltApp.
  3. The style from the nearest DefaultStyle widget.
  4. The style passed directly to the widget.

Applying a style globally

To apply a style globally, pass the style to the styles parameter of JoltApp.

  final buttonStyle = (context) => ButtonStyle(
    spacing: context.spacing.xs,
    styles: [

Applying a style to descendants

To apply a style all descendants, use a DefaultStyle widget.

    style:, // is a predefined style, any style would do here
    child: Row(
      children: [

Applying a style directly

To apply a style directly, pass the style to the style parameter of the widget.

    style: (context) => ButtonStyle(
      color: context.color.primary


You might have noticed in the examples above, rather than passing the Style itself, we pass a function that returns the Style.

This is called a StyleResolver and it exists to give you access to the context of the target widget when setting a style.

When the widget to be styled is ready to determine its final style, it calls the StyleResolver with the context of the widget. This means you can access colors from the theme, spacing or even interaction state such as isHovering.

    style: (context) { 
      final interaction = Interaction.maybeOf(context);
      final isHovered = interaction?.isHovered ?? false;
      return ButtonStyle(
        color: isHovered ? context.color.primary : context.color.surface,